Ceo & Founder, Software Developer & Cloud Architect
Driven and analytical, with a robust foundation in mathematics and computer science, evidenced by a Diploma with a focus on differential geometry. In the final stages of a Ph.D. in computer science, focusing on analysis and optimization of reliability and performance of stochastic systems, accompanied by various pivotal publications. My academic journey is complemented by my role as an instructor and lecturer for courses in probability theory, statistics, data science, operations research, and quantitative modeling.
With four years of entrepreneurial leadership and overseven years of hands-on experience in the cryptocurrencymarkets, I am a visionary and experienced CEO andFounder of an innovative fintech company specializing inalgorithmic and discretionary trading within these markets.My demonstrated expertise in deploying sophisticatedtechnologies such as Kubernetes, cloud computing, andDevOps, combined with proficiency in variousprogramming languages and computational mathematicssoftware, underscores my commitment to advancing theintersection of technology and financial markets. Lookingahead, I aim to leverage my expertise to further innovate inquantitative trading and technology.
Experience: 6 years
Yearly salary: $120,000
Hourly rate: $90
Nationality: 🇩🇪 Germany
Residency: 🇩🇪 Germany
Period | Title | Company |
2021 - | CEO & Founder, Software Developer & Cloud Architect | Algoya GmbH |
2008 - 2024 | Research Assistant | Bundeswehr University Munich & ITIS GmbH |
2007 - 2007 | Internship | EADS GmbH (Airbus) |
2005 - 2008 | Software Developer and System Administrator | Augsburg University |