2 D Animator And Illustrator
I am Arnold, a 2D animator and illustrator from Malang with over 8 years of experience. My passion lies in creating dynamic animations and detailed illustrations, with a focus on bringing ideas to life through expressive line work and fluid motion. Each project reflects a balance of artistic vision and technical expertise, combining unique elements and smooth transitions into vibrant, engaging visuals.
In 2024, I was proud to be one of the winners of the Window Wonderland competition, an international event that showcased window murals enhanced by Augmented Reality technology. As part of a global team of 20 animators, we collaborated with muralists in Toronto to create stunning interactive displays. Passersby could use their smartphones to scan the murals, instantly bringing them to life with breathtaking animations.
Throughout my career, I have collaborated with various clients and brands (such as Unilever, Pertamnina, MRT Jakarta, Mixue and more), delivering high-quality explainer videos, character animations and illustrations designed to captivate audiences and create a lasting impression.
Experience: 10 years
Yearly salary: $18,000
Hourly rate: $30
Nationality: 🇮🇩 Indonesia
Residency: 🇮🇩 Indonesia
Period | Title | Company |
2007 - 2012 | Multimedia & Musician | Cornerstone The Future Centre |
2014 - | 2D Animator & Illustrator | Uniqon Media |
2004 - 2005 | Graphic Designer | LIBI Denpasar |