
Senior Front End Developer (Vue.Js)

TaTaTu (Iervolino Studios) - November 2021 - ???
Role: Front-end Developer - Mainly project development using Vue.js

TaTaTu is the first social media that rewards you with TTU Coin for every like, view, comment or share you receive on your photos or videos, and for every
follower you get.

Relevant projects:
1. Social network
Technologies: Vue.js 2, Nuxt, Vuetify UI library, vuex, Jest...
Project description: Social media that rewards you with custom coins for every like, view, comment or share you receive on your photos or videos, and for
every follower you get.
Some features I worked on: Posts publish system ; followers/following/friends functionalities ; Chat ; Auctions - Using network coins to win unique
products ; Custom video player UI ; Push notifications...

2. Wallet app
Technologies: Vue.js 2, Vuetify UI library, vuex...
Project description: Single page application connected to the aforementioned Social network where user can monitor existing coins transactions
Some features I worked on: Coins transactions overview UI - Walkthrough, Data tables, Modals... ; Sending/Receiving/Blocking transactions ; QR code

3. Dashboard (admin) app
Technologies: Vue.js 2, Vuetify UI library, vuex...
Project description: Single page application connected to the aforementioned Social network where administrators could moderate data from main
project (social network).
Some features I worked on: Various functionalities depending on Admin Roles ; Posts revisions ; App users revision ; Auctions: create/edit/delete...

ShyftMoving - November 2019 - November 2021 (2 yrs 1 mo)
Role: Front-end UI Engineer - Building several projects in Vue.js & Assisting with UI solutions

Company that makes moving process easier - Involved in moving of individuals but also entire companies.
Relevant projects:

1. RMCP - A step by step project where client chooses different specifications about moving process
Technologies: Vue.js 2, Vuetify UI library, vuex...
Project description: Single page application - A 20-25 screens divided in 6-7 categories where client can pick different options about moving process
Some features I worked on: Manipulating different states of application pages features that is affected by different changing routes scenarios - Nested
routes, tabs, modals...

2. Shyft Card
Technologies: Vue.js 2, TypeScript, nuxt, nuxt-buefy, Stripe, Jest...
Project description: Shyft Company debit card that client gets from his/her employer to use throughout entire moving experience.
Some features I worked on: Step by step card acquiring Walkthrough ; Stripe payment processing platform, Open ID connect FE support

3. Shyft presentational website
Technologies: Vue.js 2, Contentful CMS, Gridsome
Project description: Static website for marketing purposes
Some features I worked on: Generating static website with Gridsome ; Content manipulation with Contentful CMS


I have extensive experience in Vue.js, a strong eye for aesthetics, and a passion for pixel-perfect coding,

Additionally, my enthusiasm for learning new technologies, especially the ones that involve development on Blockchain, makes me an ideal fit for your company.

I'm currently rapidly expanding my knowledge by learning about developing & deploying smart contracts on ethereum network using technologies such as: 
Solidity, web3, Remix, Truffle, Ganache, Mocha, Infura API... 

Experience: 8 years

Yearly salary: $90,000

Hourly rate: $45

Nationality: 🇷🇸 Serbia

Residency: 🇷🇸 Serbia


Period Title Company
2021 - Front-end Developer Tatatu
2019 - 2021 Front-end Developer ShyftMoving
2016 - 2019 Front-end Developer Wireless media
2014 - 2016 Front-end developer/UI designer Cloudly labs

