Lead Dev Ops Engineer
Working on a huge project with 100+ teammates. It’s an internal corporate analytics system splitted into microservices. As a cloud provider AWS is using. Applications are written on Java, infrastructure is managed by Ansible, Terraform mostly.
Experience: 7 years
Yearly salary: $130,000
Hourly rate: $40
Nationality: 🇺🇦 Ukraine
Residency: 🇪🇸 Spain
DevOps engineer
Gorilla Group 2018 - 2019
I was a member of the DevOps team, that was assigned to the different projects in parallel. Mostly, it were Magento projects. So, I was responsible for all the maintenance and release lifecycle including initial setups, optimizations, and support.
Unix administrator (support)
Advanced Hosters 2016 - 2018
Worked as a part of admins shift and resolved the different hosting support cases from setting up the different specific software according to the client’s requests, building the binaries from a source code till tuning, configuring and troubleshooting the PHP-based web-services.
Linux administrator
Mirohost (Internet Invest ltd) 2016 - 2016
Hosting support with the maintenance of Linux servers and network hardware. Also was responsible for solving the monitoring alerts and solving the common hardware issues in data center.
System administrator (Network engineer)
STU “KPI-Telecom” 2014 - 2016
Support of the existing network of NTUU 'KPI'. Maintenance, administration of DNS, DHCP, WEB services, technical documentation.
Technical Support Engineer
UkrNet 2013 - 2014
On-call support for the FreeMail clients, monitoring alerts and escalations in case of any emergency.