Solidity Developer

Smart Contract Dev, (Trading Bots), Product Manager

I've built alot of systems on the blockchain and offchain for web3, worked with teams to achieve max performance of apps.
Scaling etc.

I look forward to colab remotely and add value to companies who find me for common growth.

Experience: 4 years

Yearly salary: $60,000

Hourly rate: $20

Nationality: 🇳🇬 Nigeria

Residency: 🇳🇬 Nigeria


Period Title Company
2019 - 2020 Marketing and Customer Service YoubieToken
2020 - 2001 Technical Support TBGDevelopments
2001 - 2023 Automation Dev (Cex, Dex, trading bots) TBGDevelopments
2023 - 2023 Casino Telegram Bots Dev, Betting Systems Engineer Caacoon Casino

