PolySign & Standard Custody Salary
The average PolySign & Standard Custody salary varies from $52,600 per year for Senior Software Engineer - Backend to $190,000 per year for Principal Security Engineer. Average PolySign & Standard Custody hourly pay varies from $39 per hour for Software Engineer - Frontend to $83 per hour for Principal HSM Engineer
Average Salaries at PolySign & Standard Custody
Position | Yearly Salary | Hourly Rate |
Security Expert | $190,000 per year | $98 per hour |
Analyst | $167,500 per year | $87 per hour |
Data Scientist | $120,000 per year | $62 per hour |
Product Manager | $115,000 per year | $59 per hour |
Front End Developer | $110,000 per year | $57 per hour |
Designer | $100,000 per year | $52 per hour |
*Salaries are estimated based on similar jobs