OnJuno is hiring a Web3 Referral Bounty!
Location: Bengaluru
If you've opened this, then you clearly have someone to refer. Do you? We hope you do.
Simple things to know before you refer & get this bounty!
- This profile will be screened by a human and not by some AI Hyper Bot! Yay to Humans!
We are taking applications for the roles active on our careers page, but if you think someone deserves our attention then we wouldn't pass on them.
Upon successful hire, we will pay the bounty to you within 3 months! What if the person referred by you runs away? If that happens, you come to work with us! Haha, just kidding! No one is leaving once they join us!
Let's talk about the rewards - INR 50K worth ETH in your crypto wallet! YES! Someone from our team can help you set up your Metamask Wallet or we transfer the amount directly to your bank account.
Steps - Upload CV > Upload your contact details > Chill - Your work is done!
We are on to something remarkable and would love all the support we can get :)
Apply Now:
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