Web3 non tech salary in Uganda - Mar 2025
How much does a web3 non tech worker in Uganda make?
Average Yearly Salary
The average yearly salary of a web3 non tech worker in Uganda is $70k per year, with a minimum base salary of $40k and a maximum of $100k
Non Tech Worker Hourly Rate In Uganda
The avarage hourly rate of Web3 non tech in Uganda in Uganda is $36 per hour, with a minimum hourly rate of $20 and a maximum hourly rate of $52 per hour
New Web3 non tech in Uganda Jobs VS ETH Price
How new Web3 non tech in Uganda jobs are correlated with ETH Price. This chart shows how many new Web3 non tech in Uganda jobs was opened and the avarage ETH price in USD per month.
Trend in Web3 non tech salary in Uganda
How Web3 non tech salary in Uganda has changed in Sep 2022 - Sep 2022:
- Sep 2022: $0k
How Many Web3 Non Tech Jobs In Uganda Are There?
There are 1 new Web3 non tech job in Uganda posted every month on average
Check how many new Web3 non tech jobs in Uganda are posted per month in Sep 2022 - Sep 2022:
- Sep 2022: 1
More salaries data
Location | Avg Yearly Salary | Min Yearly Salary | Max Yearly Salary |
Remote | $146k | $70k | $250k |
United States | $140k | $80k | $255k |
Estonia | $135k | $90k | $180k |
Ireland | $125k | $100k | $150k |
Colombia | $120k | $110k | $130k |
Canada | $114k | $60k | $190k |
Australia | $112k | $90k | $160k |
Portugal | $105k | $48k | $200k |
Puerto Rico | $100k | $12k | $200k |
Switzerland | $97k | $15k | $130k |
Belgium | $95k | $50k | $150k |
Hong Kong | $92k | $40k | $150k |
Norway | $92k | $50k | $120k |
Vietnam | $90k | $80k | $100k |
Thailand | $90k | $80k | $100k |
Sweden | $80k | $25k | $180k |
United Arab Emirates | $80k | $35k | $160k |
Denmark | $80k | $50k | $120k |
Czech Republic | $77k | $60k | $120k |
Singapore | $76k | $45k | $150k |
South Korea | $75k | $50k | $100k |
Austria | $70k | $56k | $100k |
United Kingdom | $70k | $35k | $190k |
Netherlands | $67k | $40k | $170k |
Philippines | $66k | $20k | $90k |
Georgia | $65k | $60k | $70k |
Brazil | $60k | $24k | $80k |
Egypt | $59k | $48k | $70k |
Italy | $57k | $12k | $150k |
South Africa | $57k | $15k | $100k |
Kenya | $55k | $40k | $70k |
France | $55k | $20k | $80k |
Germany | $53k | $28k | $185k |
India | $52k | $30k | $115k |
Japan | $48k | $36k | $60k |
Argentina | $47k | $11k | $150k |
Spain | $45k | $30k | $190k |
China | $45k | $12k | $120k |
Venezuela | $42k | $36k | $48k |
Greece | $40k | $20k | $60k |
Malaysia | $35k | $12k | $90k |
Hungary | $34k | $30k | $84k |
Ukraine | $34k | $24k | $45k |
Croatia | $30k | $24k | $36k |
Bulgaria | $30k | $24k | $36k |
Serbia | $30k | $24k | $36k |
Panama | $28k | $12k | $45k |
Mexico | $27k | $12k | $60k |