Truffle Web3 Jobs in Mumbai, India
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Job Position | Company | Posted | Location | Salary | Tags |
Avalor Investments | Mumbai, India | $0k |
Avalor Investments
● 0-1 year experience.
● Must know erc20 erc721 standards and solidity.
● Must know deployment on Ethereum mainnet polygon net, truffle
● Must know ganache, openzepplin and working with web3
● Knowing of Subgraph and ipfs deployments is a plus.
● Must be able to make frontend with web3 integration and complete an
end-to-end setup with blockchain contract deployment and ui.
Avalor Investments focuses on Project Management and Blockchain / Cryptocurrency. Their company has offices in Mumbai. They have a small team that's between 11-50 employees.
You can view their website at