Node.js Jobs at Qubit9 GmbH
There are 3 Web3 Jobs at Qubit9 GmbH
Job Position | Company | Posted | Location | Salary | Tags |
Qubit9 GmbH | Hamburg, Germany |
| |||
Qubit9 GmbH | Hamburg, Germany | $11k - $63k | |||
Qubit9 GmbH | Hamburg, Germany | $36k - $61k |
Qubit9 GmbH
This job is closed
Legal Tech Manager m/w/d
Hamburg /
Legal /
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Als Qubit9 haben wir es uns zur Mission gemacht, Cloud-Lösungen des 'neuen' Internets (web 3.0) Unternehmen zugänglich zu machen - mit all seinen Vorteilen. Als dezentraler Cloudanbieter ist es uns ein Anliegen, ein technisch zukunftsorientiertes Produkt als Gegenstück zu den klassischen zentralen Lösungen der Großunternehmen zu etablieren. Wir verstehen uns als Team von hochspezialisierten Kollegen, welche schon Mitte des laufenden Jahres das erste Produkt zur Marktreife bringen werden. Aus unserem Standort in Hamburg entwickeln wir das Produkt mit einem internationalen und leidenschaftlichen Team. Unser Antrieb ist es, einen bestehenden Markt zu revolutionieren und parallel ein Arbeitsumfeld zu schaffen, in dem sich jeder entwickeln und einen wichtigen Beitrag zum Erreichen unseres gemeinsamen Ziels leisten kann.
Our Legal Commercial Manager m/w/d is at the core of the future of cloud services. A future where cloud services are available to everyone anywhere in the world, at a fraction of the cost. You have the impactful role of deciding on legal matters of day-to-day operations and setting Qubit9 up for strategic success not limited to legal dimensions. The former includes owning and driving all external legal communication. The latter includes strategic thinking on the infrastructure setup of the mentioned node network - e.g., on global regulatory concerns. Additionally, you will drive non-legal commercial projects as we further scale. By doing all this, you will work side by side with serial tech-founders on our way to developing the decentralized cloud for a new era of the internet.
What you will do
- Generate insights - correspond effectively with our partners on all business essentials incl. regulatory, trademark, and commercial concerns.
- Own and drive external legal communication - respond to legal inquiries raised by external stakeholders.
- Create a legal setup for the node network - accompany the global roll-out with your legal background incl. implications of cross-border platform participation.
- Optimize our general legal foundation - update our legal documents on an ongoing basis incl. T&Cs and data protection.
- Drive the business - manage your own interdisciplinary innovation projects and help Qubit9 grow effectively.
- Measure success. Analyze relevant KPIs, steer the effort, and evaluate your performance.
What you bring to the table
- You are smarter than the average, a team player, and have an entrepreneurial mindset. You are a hands-on problem solver.
- Successfully passed the first state examination ‘1. Staatsexamen’ - second examination ‘2. Staatsexamen’ is a plus.
- Min. 1-2 years of experience in business-related functions - startup experience is a plus.
- Enthusiasm for the web3 industry and basic understanding of cloud platform infrastructure.
- International mindset and working attitude - ideally with initial intercultural working experience.
- Result-orientation and pragmatism. You have a very good sense of target group content and empathy in user dialog.
- Excellent English language skills. You are open-minded, confident working in a multicultural environment, and eager to use your English skills daily.
- Strong desire to evolve your career in a tech environment at the edge of blockchain and cloud technology.
- Being with the company from the very beginning.
- Power to influence the company’s culture and the opportunity to bring your own ideas.
- Working together with serial tech-founders to become the next big thing in cloud computing and blockchain.
- Experience truly fast growth - work with us on the journey to become THE next impactful player in the blockchain industry.
- In our office, you find motivating colleagues, healthy brain foods (such as a variety of berries, nuts, yogurt, or avocados), good coffee, and no bad stuff.
- Flat hierarchy where all colleagues work together on the same mission.
1. Reiche Deine Bewerbung (min. vollständiger Lebenslauf) per Bewerbungsformular ein.
2. Zeitnah schauen wir Deine Bewerbung an und geben innerhalb weniger Tage Rückmeldung. Sofern deine Bewerbung nah an unseren Anforderungen sind, laden wir Dich zu einem ersten Kennenlernen per Google Meet ein.
3. Als nächster potentiellen Schritt initiieren wir weitere Gespräche per Video und persönlich vor Ort mit den Gründern.
4. Nach einem erfolgreichen Interviewprozess erwartet Dich ein Angebots- und Feedbackgespräch und ein schriftliches Angebotsdokument.
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