Learn Python with freeCodeCamp. Full Course for Beginners

This course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts in python. Follow along with the videos and you'll be a python programmer in no time!

(0:00) Introduction
(1:45) Installing Python & PyCharm
(6:40) Setup & Hello World
(10:23) Drawing a Shape
(15:06) Variables & Data Types
(27:03) Working With Strings
(38:18) Working With Numbers
(48:26) Getting Input From Users
(52:37) Building a Basic Calculator
(58:27) Mad Libs Game
(1:03:10) Lists
(1:10:44) List Functions
(1:18:57) Tuples
(1:24:15) Functions
(1:34:11) Return Statement
(1:40:06) If Statements
(1:54:07) If Statements & Comparisons
(2:00:37) Building a better Calculator
(2:07:17) Dictionaries
(2:14:13) While Loop
(2:20:21) Building a Guessing Game
(2:32:44) For Loops
(2:41:20) Exponent Function
(2:47:13) 2D Lists & Nested Loops
(2:52:41) Building a Translator
(3:00:18) Comments
(3:04:17) Try / Except
(3:12:41) Reading Files
(3:21:26) Writing to Files
(3:28:13) Modules & Pip
(3:43:56) Classes & Objects
(3:57:37) Building a Multiple Choice Quiz
(4:08:28) Object Functions
(4:12:37) Inheritance
(4:20:43) Python Interpreter

What is the Python interpreter?

The Python interpreter is a tool that allows you to execute Python commands and test out code in a safe environment. It is a command-line interface where you can write and run Python code quickly and easily.

How do I access the Python interpreter?

To access the Python interpreter, you need to open your command prompt or terminal. On Windows, search for "Command Prompt" or "CMD," and on Mac, search for "Terminal." Once opened, type "Python 3" (or "Python" for Python 2) and press Enter to start the Python interpreter.

What can I do with the Python interpreter?

You can use the Python interpreter to experiment with Python commands, test out functions, and try different code snippets. It allows you to interactively write Python code, execute it, and see the results immediately. You can perform tasks such as printing messages, working with variables, defining functions, using loops, and more.

Can I write full Python programs in the interpreter?

While the Python interpreter is suitable for quick tests and experiments, it is not recommended for writing complete Python programs. For more complex projects or long-term development, it is better to use a dedicated text editor or Integrated Development Environment (IDE). Text editors provide better organization, syntax highlighting, and other helpful features for writing and managing Python code.

How can I exit the Python interpreter?

To exit the Python interpreter, you can type "exit()" or "quit()" and press Enter. This will close the interpreter and return you to your command prompt or terminal.

Is the Python interpreter suitable for beginners?

Yes, the Python interpreter can be a useful tool for beginners to learn and explore Python programming. It provides an interactive and immediate feedback environment, allowing beginners to test their code and see the results instantly. It is a convenient way to experiment with Python concepts, try out different syntax, and gain hands-on experience.

Are there any limitations to using the Python interpreter?

The Python interpreter is primarily designed for quick tests and small code snippets. It may not be suitable for handling large-scale projects or complex applications. For advanced functionality, debugging, and more comprehensive development features, using a text editor or IDE is recommended.

How can I troubleshoot issues with the Python interpreter on Windows?

If you encounter problems with using the Python 3 command on Windows, it could be due to Python 3 not being added to your Windows path variable. To resolve this, you can search for "how to add Python 3 to Windows path variable" and follow the instructions to set it up correctly. This will enable your computer to recognize the "Python 3" command in the command prompt.

Can I use the Python interpreter for serious programming projects?

While the Python interpreter is useful for quick tests and experimentation, it is not typically used for serious programming projects. For professional development, it is recommended to use a text editor or IDE that offers more advanced features, such as code organization, debugging tools, and project management capabilities.


The Python interpreter provides a convenient and accessible environment for beginners to test and experiment with Python code. It allows for interactive programming and quick feedback, making it an excellent tool for learning and exploring Python concepts. However, for larger projects and more comprehensive development, using a dedicated text editor or IDE is the preferred approach.

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