Javascript Web3 Jobs in Bengaluru, India
38 jobs found
Job Position | Company | Posted | Location | Salary | Tags |
Bitquery | Bengaluru, India | $0k | |||
Realto Group | Bengaluru, India | $14k - $24k | |||
Higin | Bengaluru, India | $18k - $36k | |||
Chainflux | Bengaluru, India | $86k - $24k | |||
Learn job-ready web3 skills on your schedule with 1-on-1 support & get a job, or your money back. | | by Metana Bootcamp Info | |||
Vauld | Bengaluru, India | $50k - $60k | |||
Sperax | Bengaluru, India | $81k - $100k | |||
Vauld | Bengaluru, India | $50k - $71k | |||
Vauld | Bengaluru, India | $45k - $70k |
This job is closed
A Bachelor's in Computer science, understanding of SQL and Blockchain, understanding of Javascript or Python, GraphQL is preferred. At least 1 year of experience working with Zendesk and other support tools. Excellent written and verbal communication english
Research, diagnose, troubleshoot and identify solutions to resolve customer issues. Identify data problems and provide details to the development team. Reply tickets on Zendesk, Community forum, slack and Telegram related to our blockchain data products. Ensure proper recording and closure of all issues.
Bitquery focuses on Analytics, Artificial Intelligence, and Blockchain / Cryptocurrency. Their company has offices in New York City. They have a small team that's between 11-50 employees.
You can view their website at or find them on Twitter and LinkedIn.