Full Course on Polygon Development | Build Blockchain Apps on Polygon


Smart contracts are self-executing contracts with the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller being directly written into lines of code. Chainlink, on the other hand, is a decentralized oracle network that provides real-world data to smart contracts on the blockchain. By integrating Chainlink with smart contracts, you can access reliable data feeds, event data, and various APIs to enhance blockchain applications.

Setting Up the Environment

The first step to deploying and testing smart contracts is setting up the environment. You will need Node.js and Yarn installed. Once that's done, clone the Chainlink Hardhat box, navigate into the directory, and install dependencies using Yarn.

Getting Familiar with the Directory Structure

Understanding the directory structure is crucial when working with Hardhat. Some of the key files and directories include:

  • contracts/: This directory holds all the smart contracts.
  • test/: This is where all the test scripts are located.
  • scripts/: Holds the scripts that interact with the deployed contracts.
  • deploy/: Contains deployment scripts for your contracts.
  • hardhat.config.js: The main configuration file for Hardhat.

Writing and Deploying Smart Contracts

The actual process of writing smart contracts is done in Solidity, Ethereum's native programming language. In our case, we'll look at three contracts: APIConsumer, PriceConsumerV3, and RandomNumberConsumer.

The APIConsumer contract uses Chainlink to make a GET request to an API. The PriceConsumerV3 contract is used to fetch the latest Ethereum price from the Chainlink price feed. Finally, the RandomNumberConsumer uses Chainlink VRF (Verifiable Random Function) to generate a random number.

To deploy these contracts, we use the Hardhat command npx hardhat run --network kovan deploy.js.

Testing Smart Contracts

Hardhat allows you to write tests for your smart contracts using a JavaScript testing framework. These tests can verify the functionality of your contracts before you deploy them to the blockchain. Hardhat also has a built-in console.log function that can be used to log output and debug your contracts.

Interacting with Deployed Contracts

Once your contracts are deployed, you can interact with them using scripts located in the scripts/ directory. Scripts allow you to call the functions of your contracts and interact with them on the blockchain.

Working with Different Networks

To work with different networks like Kovan, mainnet, or Polygon, you'll need to use a network-specific RPC URL and a private key. The private key can be obtained from your MetaMask account, but ensure you don't expose it. In case you want to work with the Polygon network, you will have to update the network configurations in your hardhat.config.js and hardhat-helper.config.js files.

What is a Smart Contract?

A smart contract is a self-executing contract where the terms of the agreement between buyer and seller are directly written into lines of code. It automatically executes transactions and moves blockchain assets between accounts when conditions in the contract are met.

Chainlink is a decentralized oracle network that provides reliable real-world data to smart contracts on the blockchain. By integrating Chainlink with smart contracts, developers can access reliable data feeds, event data, and various APIs to enhance their blockchain applications.

How do I set up the environment for deploying and testing smart contracts?

To set up your environment, you will first need to have Node.js and Yarn installed. After this, you can clone the Chainlink Hardhat box, navigate into the directory, and install the necessary dependencies using Yarn.

What are some of the key files and directories in a Hardhat project?

Some of the key files and directories in a Hardhat project include contracts/ (holds all smart contracts), test/ (where all the test scripts are located), scripts/ (holds scripts that interact with deployed contracts), deploy/ (contains deployment scripts for contracts), and hardhat.config.js (the main configuration file for Hardhat).

How do I write and deploy Smart Contracts?

Smart contracts are written in Solidity, Ethereum's native programming language. Once you've written your smart contracts, you can deploy them using Hardhat with the command npx hardhat run --network kovan deploy.js.

How can I test my Smart Contracts?

Hardhat allows you to write tests for your smart contracts using a JavaScript testing framework. You can write tests to verify the functionality of your contracts before deploying them to the blockchain.

How do I interact with my deployed Smart Contracts?

Once your contracts are deployed, you can interact with them using scripts located in the scripts/ directory. These scripts allow you to call the functions of your contracts and interact with them on the blockchain.

How can I work with different networks such as Kovan, Mainnet, or Polygon?

To work with different networks, you'll need to use a network-specific RPC URL and a private key. This information can be obtained from your MetaMask account. If you want to work with the Polygon network, you'll also need to update the network configurations in your hardhat.config.js and hardhat-helper.config.js files.

What is an RPC URL and how do I get it?

RPC stands for Remote Procedure Call. An RPC URL is a network address that enables your local application to connect to the blockchain network. Depending on the network you're using (such as Kovan, Mainnet, or Polygon), the RPC URL will be different. You can get the RPC URL from Infura or Alchemy by signing up for an API key.

How do I use MetaMask with Hardhat?

You can use MetaMask to interact with your deployed contracts on the blockchain. First, you'll need to export the private key from your MetaMask account and use it in your .env file. You can also use your MetaMask account to fund transactions, including the deployment of your smart contracts.

What are .env files used for in Hardhat projects?

.env files in a Hardhat project are used to store environment variables. These could be the private key for your MetaMask account, the RPC URL for the network you're working with, and any other sensitive data that should not be shared publicly.

How do I protect my private keys and other sensitive information?

Sensitive information like private keys should never be shared or pushed to public repositories. In a Hardhat project, you can add your .env file to the .gitignore file to ensure it's not included when you push your code to GitHub. Remember, anyone who has your private key has access to your wallet, so be cautious when handling it.

What is a mnemonic and how is it different from a private key?

A mnemonic is a secret phrase that represents a private key. It's typically easier to remember and manage than a private key. Both mnemonics and private keys give access to your blockchain wallet, but their formats are different.

LINK is the native token of the Chainlink network. To use Chainlink services (like data feeds or random number generation), you need to provide payment in LINK tokens. When a smart contract is said to be 'funded with LINK', it means it has been supplied with LINK tokens to pay for these services.

How do I check the functionality of my Smart Contracts after deploying them?

You can interact with your deployed contracts using Hardhat tasks. These tasks allow you to call the functions of your contracts and check their functionality. For example, if you have a function in your contract that fetches a random number, you can call that function using a Hardhat task and check the output.

Chainlink Oracle plays a crucial role in providing real-world data to smart contracts. It acts as a bridge between the blockchain and the outside world, securely feeding external data to the smart contracts. It enables the functionality of smart contracts that require off-chain data or computation.


By integrating Chainlink with your smart contracts, you can build powerful decentralized applications that leverage reliable off-chain data. Using Hardhat's testing framework, deployment scripts, and console.log function, you can ensure your contracts are functioning correctly before they are deployed to the blockchain. Remember to practice safe handling of private keys, and happy coding!

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