Crypto Jobs in Kiev, Ukraine

16 jobs found

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Job Position Company Posted Location Salary Tags

Oriented Soft AS

Kiev, Ukraine

$74k - $105k

Oriented Soft AS

Kiev, Ukraine

$45k - $90k

Wirex Limited

Kiev, Ukraine


Kiev, Ukraine

$54k - $70k


Kiev, Ukraine


Kiev, Ukraine

Crystal Blockchain Analytics

Kiev, Ukraine

$54k - $100k

Wirex Limited

Kiev, Ukraine

$36k - $61k


Kiev, Ukraine

$90k - $90k

Wirex Limited

Kiev, Ukraine


Kiev, Ukraine

Blue Cube Services

Kiev, Ukraine

$10k - $15k


Kiev, Ukraine

$63k - $90k


Kiev, Ukraine

$23k - $75k


Kiev, Ukraine

Oriented Soft AS
$74k - $105k estimated
Kyiv Ukraine

Coinweb isonamission tosolve blockchain’s biggest problems. Our approach isto
combine blockchains toachieve better transactional and computational scaling aswell
giving developers and projects alarger and continuously adaptive solution space. We
have adiverse and international team with offices inLondon, Bangkok, Kyiv, and
For Coinweb core development, weare looking for Senior Rust developers. For this
position, development will bedone inRust, but candidates with solid experience inone
ormore ofthe following languages will also beconsidered: Haskell, ML, Scala, Erlang,
Elixir, F#.
The candidates will beresponsible for further development and improvement ofthe
Coinweb core and collaboration with the backend team ofauxiliary Coinweb
For this position weare seeking experienced senior developers with strong theoretical
backgrounds. You need toenjoy solving hard problems and get the job done. Bonus if
you have experience inBlockchain and/or Crypto Exchanges, massively parallel
compute frameworks, GPGPU orbig data frameworks such asSpark.

—Experience with Rust
—Experience inone ormore ofthe following languages Haskell, ML, Scala, Erlang,
Elixir, F#. Personal projects can qualify ifthey can beshown
—Experience with WebAssembly isaplus
—Experience with parallel compute frameworks isaplus
—Experience with GPGPU isaplus
—Experience with big data frameworks isaplus
—Analytical skills
—Strong command ofEnglish
—Strong ability toadapt toafast-changing environment

—Kyiv and Barcelona are the preferred options
—Bangkok isalso anoption
—Partial remote work isanoption
—Relocation isanoption

—Subject toexperience and qualifications
— Performance-related bonuses