KYB Jobs in Web3
46 jobs found
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Job Position | Company | Posted | Location | Salary | Tags |
Binance | Latin America |
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Binance | Asia |
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MoonPay | Remote | $59k - $62k | |||
Binance | South East Asia |
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Learn job-ready web3 skills on your schedule with 1-on-1 support & get a job, or your money back. | | by Metana Bootcamp Info | |||
Binance | South East Asia |
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Binance | Tokyo, Japan |
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Binance | Buenos Aires, Argentina |
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Okx | Remote | $73k - $107k | |||
Okx | Remote | $73k - $107k | |||
Binance | Eastern Europe |
| ||| | Sofia, Bulgaria | $72k - $77k | |||
Binance | Eastern Europe |
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Binance | Asia |
| ||| | Sofia, Bulgaria | $72k - $77k | |||
Binance | Sofia, Bulgaria |
KYC/KYB Analyst - Periodic Review
Mexico, Mexico City / Latin America / Chile, Santiago de Chile / Colombia, Bogota / Argentina, Buenos Aires
Customer Support – Customer Support /
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- Review constitutional documents of corporate clients and their related parties
- Manage personal workload and ensuring timely escalation of key risks/issues to management
- Maintain a good relationship and work closely with Relationship Partner Teams and directly with clients as required, to obtain all necessary supporting evidence to fulfill your KYC due diligence
- Perform 2-eyed and 4-eyed customer due diligence process
- Participate in internal and external training programs related to AML/CFT, and other subjects that may form part of the day to day work requirements
- Serve as a point of contact for queries related to Periodic Reviews
- Coordinate with other departments, such as Compliance and internal teams to ensure smooth review processes
- Communicate with Key Account Managers (KAMs) for VIP and Broker accounts to resolve issues encountered during reviews
- Participate in process improvement initiatives to enhance efficiency and effectiveness
- Handle any general administration and ancillary activities related to the above functions in accordance with the business requirements of the company
- Conduct open-source searches on regulation, public listing and licensing status
- Perform WorldCheck screening against PEP, TF, Adverse Media and ML risk
- Prepare senior management and MLRO escalation forms with detailed description of risk posed by the client as well as red flags and mitigating factors
- Provide feedback on system malfunctions, procedural gaps and necessary upgrades
- At least 2 years experience in a corporate onboarding role with substantial knowledge of relevant rules and regulations and the day-to-day compliance affairs
- Understanding of a corporate onboarding role with knowledge of relevant rules and regulations and the day-to-day compliance affairs. Experience in conducting risk assessments, periodic/trigger reviews and enhanced due diligence
- Fluent English speaker is required to effectively coordinate with partners and stakeholders
- Experience handling reviews of high risk and complex KYB cases as well as conducting reviews of Financial Institutions and Broker clients profiles.
- Highly preferred for candidates to possess ACAMS/CAMS/CCAS/ICA certifications or others
- Possesses strong time management, organizational and relationship building skills
- Adaptable in an evolving and fast-moving environment
- Good knowledge on provisions of local laws, directives, regulations and otherwise standards applicable to subject persons
- Knowledge of multiple client types (E.g: Non-Operating/Asset Holding Companies, Funds, Partnerships, Segregated Portfolio Companies, Trusts); and multiple EEA jurisdictions will be a plus
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